Summary The PhD viva is what stands between you and successfully completing your PhD research. In the UK, the PhD viva takes place behind closed doors with only you present with the chairperson, internal examiner and external examiner. Preparation for your viva needs to make sense. You should try to participate in a mock viva, […]
How to write a conclusion
Summary You can put together a robust conclusions section using some of the many formulae out there. They will guide you on how to write a conclusion. Use your discretion and decide what to include and what to leave out. Conclusions for dissertations, theses and research articles can be very different in content from your […]
How to write a discussion: what does it all mean?
In this blog, you’ll get to learn valuable tips on how to write a discussion section that will effectively explain to your readers how your research solved a particular problem. Summary Only discuss and explain the results that you present. So, avoid talking about data that is nowhere to be found by your readers. Use […]
How to write a results section
Do you want to know how to present your research results to help you create a top-quality dissertation, thesis or manuscript for publication? In this blog, you’ll learn how to write a results section that will give your work maximum impact. Summary The results section is likely to be the largest part of your document, […]
Methods section: what you did
Summary Provide enough information in your methods sections so that other researchers can go away and repeat your experiments. When including vital information, remember to use the correct conventions stipulated by the relevant organisations. The methods section can be made up of three parts: site characterisation, experimental design and statistical analyses. Remember that proofreading and […]